
What We Offer ─ Medical Billing Services & More

Cleaned. Cleared. Reimbursed.

SMB understands that medical billing involves extensive work and tracking of bills. Backlogs are created, and cleanup is essential to maintain transparency in records. SMB's trained staff and experts skillfully take up cleanup projects and clear up the accounts with diligence so that claims are paid at the proper time.

We work by accessing the client Health Source Information Systems and follow client policies and procedures to settle outstanding insurance balances. The brilliance of our staff lies in the fact that that they understand the various payor types so that our clients are reimbursed effectively and efficiently. We have extensive information on various factors that affect your accounts receivable, and we use our tactical information to help your AR department clear up its claims.

The idea is to clean up your old accounts so that you can concentrate on exigent claims that require your immediate attention. We will also ensure that the low account balances will not pile up, causing further concerns. Our dedicated experts confirm that clients do not run the risk of reducing cash flow or increasing accounts receivable days; thus, clients can focus on daily accounts.

SMB's systematic assistance in cleaning up your old accounts will increase your overall profitability and improve the overall efficiency of your organization.

Trust us for efficiency!

Optimize. Engage. Energize.

SMB provides comprehensive coding services to healthcare providers. We seamlessly integrate our closed-loop process with the client's billing system to ensure excellence in data integrity. We strive to optimize client revenue while considerably reducing compliance risk. With our matchless technology, we venture to increase cash flow by reducing lag days, improving claim submission, and reducing administrative expenses.

Our team of certified, expert coders is not only specialty-specific but also creates a comprehensive process that matches each client's protocols and policies. SMB's certified coding specialists are knowledgeable and continuously learning best practices in the areas of:

  • Medical terminology Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)
  • International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM)
  • Insurance claims processing
  • Medical billing procedures

We ensure a proprietary workflow management system that supports the coding process and tracks every record, code, and status. We have a rigorously focused approach, which is customized to the client's specific medical specialty and designed to augment your revenue cycle for maximum practice and patient benefit. Our coding services include:

  • Accurate diagnostic coding
  • Efficient coding processes

We have a proven track record of successful clients who are impressed with our accurate documentation. The key benefits of partnering with us are:

  • We do regular QA checks, daily, weekly and monthly reports, customizable feedback reports, and meetings to analyze progress.

We work to make you the best!

Support. Sustain. Stimulate.

Establishing new contracts as well as keeping credentials current can be perplexing, laborious, and often exasperating. A contract is very important for a medical billing business to define the roles and responsibilities of both parties as well as defining the services provided, pricing, terms, etc. It should also clearly describe the responsibilities of the client and the company. SMB's qualified experts give the high-end support needed to evaluate and implement these important aspects of running a profitable practice.

Our contracting and credentialing services will parley with payer contracts and apply for provider in-network status to maximize revenue. Our team provides the following:

  • Support in investigating applicable plans in a respective service area
  • Tender applications on behalf of the practice
  • Strategize fee schedules and contract language
  • Analyze contracts to ensure proper reimbursement
  • Collaborate new contracts and complete provider enrolments

Getting you the best of everything.

Mitigate. Seize. Achieve.

Your medical practice may have an in-house medical billing team, or it may be looking for help with a specific area of practice; SMB is here to help. Our comprehensive consulting services include practice analysis, coding review, audit reconciliation, managed care contracting, and practice compliance. Our team of consultants comes from a diverse background in medical billing, practice management, managed care leadership, and payer organizations. Our consulting experiences have made it possible for us to interconnect forward-thinking strategies to address changing needs. We help overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and build a stronger practice.

Whether the practice is in the start-up phase or the maturity phase, SMB goes beyond the numbers to help in each phase of the revenue cycle to solve complex issues, improve performance and mitigate risks.

When establishments partner with us, they get a team of experienced and specialized professionals that understand the practice and healthcare industry challenges. Our reputable staff can assist with the individual and customized needs of every type of practice and ensure that they are met.

Partner with the best; we take care of the rest.

Integrated. Transparent. Simple.

Every medical practice needs administration of financial transactions, which are a product of medical happenstances between the practice and patients, facility, and/or supplier. These transactions include the whole plethora of billing essentials such as payer contracting, provider enrolment, coding, data analytics, management, and compliance. Partnering with SMB helps practice simplify their billing and identify new revenue opportunities. We provide the consultation, expertise, and resources to help medical practices achieve their financial goals. With a wide range of experience in revenue cycle management, our dedicated teams collaborate to optimize billing processes and healthcare technology. We focus on improving key performance indicators with data analysis, denial management, and outstanding A/R follow-up. Our revenue services team integrates with the practice, and functions as an extension of the practice through constant communication and collective technology access, making finances always transparent. We proactively figure out methods to improve clean claim rates. We ensure that billing and collections will have the constancy needed to be able to realize the expenses and operations of the practice.

Our dedicated team of billing experts, in-house coding compliance officers, and certified medical coders operate practice's billing from the minute a patient checks in to the back-end billing after the appointment. In short, we're here to help medical practitioners improve productivity, keep claims coming in, increase revenue and cut administrative tasks.

Improving revenue, boosting business.